The length of an authorization hold on a charge card typically depends on the merchant. An authorization hold is a temporary lock on funds after a transaction is approved but before the merchant finalizes the payment.
Standard Authorization Hold Durations:
• General Purchases: 1-7 days
• Hotels and Car Rentals: Up to 30 days (common for travel-related holds)
• Gas Stations & Pay-at-the-Pump: Usually a few hours to a few days
How It Works:
Transaction Initiation: When a cardholder makes a purchase, the merchant requests authorization.
Hold Placement: The issuer approves and places a hold for the transaction amount.
Payment Settlement: The merchant finalizes the transaction, releasing the hold and charging the card.
If the transaction isn’t completed, the authorization hold typically expires, and the funds are released back to the cardholder.
Still have questions? Contact your HausMoney Charge Card customer support at or 1 (888) 789-1482