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Tip Pools

Understanding Tip Pools

Nathan Andrus avatar
Written by Nathan Andrus
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Tip Pools

Tip pools allow you to share tips within a group of job codes. You can also control whether or not a job code in a pool will receive tips from the pool or how much one job code receives from the pool in relation to another. Tip Pools can be an effective tool for incentivizing teamwork.

Tip pools work best when you want to pool tips within a group of job codes, such as Bartenders. For example, you can create a Tip Pool that includes all Cooks and Servers, but you wouldn't want to set up a Tip Pool for the Cooks only, as there would be no one to put money into the Tip Pool in the first place. It is important to note that a Tip Pool only distributes the tips earned by an employee, i.e. tips earned from a tip-sharing rule will not be added to the tip pool. In other words, Tip Pools will only contain tips that are left over after tip-sharing rules have been calculated.

To set up a Tip Pool, navigate to the 'Tip Distribution' page on the left-hand side of your Dashboard (A) select the 'Tip Pools' tab (B), and click on '+ Create' (C).

You can customize everything from pool type, distribution frequency, and schedule in the Create a Tip Pool window. One you have made your choices, select all of the job codes you’d like to include in the pool along with their specified distribution points.

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