Online Order Distribution, where Credit Card Tips are associated with pickup orders and must be distributed to staff, and Gratuity Service Charges are owed to third-party delivery services. |
Online orders will appear in the TipHaus Breakdown, and all sales and tips will be associated with a fake employee. This fake employee is typically named something like OLO, Online Ordering, Online Orders, Default Online Ordering, or Door Dash.
Once we have located our fake employee, we will need to permanently assign it a Job Code. For this scenario, let's create a custom job code in TipHaus called Ghost Online Orders from Settings > Location > Job Codes > Actions > Create Custom Job Code.
Once that job code has been created, we will permanently assign it to our fake employee from Settings > Location > Employee > And Clicking on .
After permanently assigning a job code to our fake employee in TipHaus, we need to create a Tip-Sharing Rule to distribute 100% of the Credit Card Tips and Gift Card Tips from the Ghost Online Orders job code to the job codes used by our supporting staff.
Remember, if our fake employee has no one clocked in to receive tips based on our rule's configuration, it will retain those tips. We can avoid this by using a Daily Distribution Frequency or enabling Fallback distributions so that our rule never leaves tips with the fake employee. Just to be extra safe, we'll use both.
Now that we have configured our rule, the service charges will remain with the fake employee/job code so that they are retained in the restaurant's bank account and can be deducted by your third-party provider, and 100% of the Credit Card and Gift Card Tips are distributed to the staff.
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