Introduction to the TipHaus Mobile Employee App
One of TipHaus's core values is transparency. It is the driving force behind the products that we build, and that's especially true for the TipHaus Mobile Employee App.
The TipHaus Mobile Employee App gives employees the power to:
Analyze their Key Metrics such as their Tip Percentage, Hours Worked, and Take Home Per Hour.
Hone in on which shifts make them the most money.
Stay up to date on the Tip Rules that are set up at their organization and understand how those rules affect their Take Home for tips.
Send a portion of their Take Home to other employees via the "Peer to Peer" function.
The TipHaus Mobile Employee App allows for transparency between employees and management, with powerful features for employee tip management.
The Employee App Home Screen
The home screen of the Employee App allows employees to see key metrics such as their Tips Received, any Pooled or Shared Tip Distributions, CC Tip Fees, and ultimately their Take Home over specific date ranges.
By clicking on either the "Sent" or "Received" distributions, an employee can see how their tips moved based on their organization's rules.
Employees can see what other job codes that tips were sent to or received from over a
specific time period via the "Sent" or "Received" distribution links.
Setting a default filter is as easy as clicking the dropdown in the upper right corner where the "Current Pay Period" text is shown.
Users can also set their own custom date range. By clicking the 3 horizontal lines on any page of the Employee App, users can set a custom date range over any month (max 31 days) that they were set up as an employee using TipHaus.
The TipHaus Mobile Employee App has lots of great functionality for analyzing an Employee's key metrics. To read more about analyzing an Employee's shift data in the app, click here.
Still have questions? Contact our customer success team here or click the Chat icon in the bottom-right corner of your Client Dashboard.