P2P allows employees to share tips with their co-workers electronically. These simple, secure transactions represent some of your take-home tips from the current Pay Period.
Note: P2P is free but not enabled for all organizations. If you don’t see it in your Employee App, talk to your manager about enabling it for your organization!
Setting up Peer to Peer
To get started, you’ll need to set your pincode. This is the 4-digit code you’ll use to verify each transaction you make using P2P.
To set your PIN, log in to the Employee App and click the Peer to Peer tab.
Click the 'Setup my Pincode' button.
Enter a PIN, between 4-10 digits, and with your password. Then click the 'Update my Pincode' button.
You'll get a pop-up confirming you've updated your PIN.
Sending a Transaction
To send money to a colleague, start out by clicking the Peer to Peer tab.
To create a transaction, click the blue plus sign in the bottom right corner.
Note: Some organizations only allow you to send tips earned on the same day.
You can search for a recipient here.
You can select a recipient if they have a green clock next to their name.
Enter the amount you want to send and click the 'Submit' button.
Add a note if you'd like, enter your PIN, then click 'Confirm and Send.'
You'll get a pop-up confirming that your transaction was successfully sent.
Still have questions? Contact our customer success team here or click the Chat icon in the bottom-right corner of your Client Dashboard.