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Employee App: Earned Tip Access Metrics
Written by Bryce
Updated over a month ago

Earned Tip Access Breakdown

Much like the Breakdown on My Tips, the Earned Tip Access™ Breakdown displays your Payout information with complete transparency. Here, you are shown which payout method you’re currently using via the banner at the top, what is available to you, and what is being held in reserve by your employer for taxes or other reconciliation purposes, fees, and other data.

Earned Tip Access Summary

The Earned Tip Access™ Summary provides your enrollment date, the last four digits of your card on file, your fee amount (for Hausdirect users), and the total number of Payouts you’ve received for the selected Pay Period.

Payout History

You can click Total Payouts Received for more detailed information about your Payouts for the selected Pay Period. This will show:

  • The Payout Method

  • Date and time of the transaction

  • Fee amount (Hausdirect users)

  • Amount Paid Out

  • Net Amount Received

  • In your Payout History, you see a more detailed view of your Payouts for the selected Pay Period. You'll see the service used, the date and exact time of the Payout, any fees you were charged, the Amount Paid Out, and your Net Amount Received.

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