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Roles & Permissions Glossary

This glossary will help you understand what each term means, and what each role would have permissions to change.

Sofia Cardozo avatar
Written by Sofia Cardozo
Updated over 3 months ago

General Terms

Tip Distribution Logic - Describes the core automation tools (Tip-Sharing Rules and Tip Pools) on the Tip Distribution Logic Page of the Client Dashboard.

Breakdown - The Breakdown Page is analogous to a standard Excel tip sheet. It displays your sales, shift, tip, and calculation data in one flexible table.

Earned Tip Access - The Earned Tip Access page displays data relating to electronic payouts through our HausMoney and HausDirect offerings.


Manage General Store Data - Can an user edit the Name and Time Zone at individual locations?

Manage Store CC Tip Fee - Can a user edit the Credit Card Tip Fee at individual locations?

Manage Employees - Can a user click the edit button next to an employee and edit their name, email, and payroll ID?

Assign Job Codes to Employees - Can a user add a permanent job code assignment to an employee by clicking the ‘+’ icon?

Permanent job code assignments are not recommended unless the employee’s job code is never expected to change and they are not being routed tips through automation based on minutes worked.

Job Code Management - Can a user create a new job code or edit an existing job code on the job code list or use the toggles that control whether that job code can be added to a rule or whether invalid take-home notifications are turned on for that job code?

Manage Sale Item Categories - Can a user edit the name of an existing Sale Item Category on the job code list or use the toggle that controls whether that job code can be added to a rule?

Manage Users - Can a user edit an existing user’s permissions, name, and email?

Manage Roles - Can a user create a new role type?

Manage Recent Pay Periods - Can a user edit a pay period start date, payroll period interval, auto-finalize setting, and access the pay period finalize/unlock buttons.


Batch Job Code Assignment - Can a user change the job code of an individual sale using the Batch Job Code Assignment feature?

Custom Team Adjustment - Can a user customize the distribution of tips on specific sales using the Custom Team Adjustment Feature?

Edit Sale Data - Can a user edit the business date and open and close time of sales in unlocked pay periods?

Manage Custom Shifts - Can a user create and remove custom recurring shifts

Edit and Delete Shift Data - Can a user edit the Job Code, Clock In and Clock Out Time, and Declared Cash Tips on a shift?

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